Who we are
Process Vegetables New Zealand (PVNZ) is a product group affiliated to Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ). PVNZ represents 350 commercial process vegetable growers on crop related issues.
PVNZ members grow mainly carrots, sweet corn, peas, beans and beetroot. Minor process vegetable crops include kumara (sweet potato), cauliflower and broccoli. Potatoes are separately represented by Potatoes New Zealand.
PVNZ is funded by a commodity levy at a rate of 80 cents per $100 of the sales value at the processor.
PVNZ and its grower members have a close relationship with New Zealand's key food processing companies, who provide funding and resources for crop research projects and crop management programmes.
What we do
- Research and development to increase yields and improve the management of pests, viruses and diseases, working with Vegetable Research & Innovation (VR&I). PVNZ is a funder of VR&I and has a Director on the VR&I Board
- Work with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) on agrichemical reassessments to ensure crop quality and sustainability
- Work with local government on the Resource Management Act (RMA) and regional compliance to reduce commercial grower costs
- Are part of Government Industry Agreement (GIA) on Biosecurity negotiations to ensure commercial growers do not bear all the costs of an incursion
- Work with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to ensure the continuity of vegetable crop supply
- Support and funds New Zealand Good Agricultural Practice (NZGAP).
Growing regions
Key process vegetable growing regions are Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Marlborough and Canterbury.
The farm gate value of the total process vegetable industry (including potatoes) exceeds $375 million.
Production figures for the principal process crops:
88,000 tonnes
77,000 tonnes
58,500 tonnes
22,000 tonnes
17,500 tonnes